Isaiah 40:31

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Monday, August 1, 2011

1st Time Blogger!

First it was cell phones.. "I'll never get one of those"  then it was emailing... I was in the hot sun paving parking lots all day and my friends we're emailing back and forth from their desk all day.. I said "Email Smeemail"  What's wrong with a phone!  Then the lastest for me was "Are you on Facebook?"  Facebook, crazy people talking about themselves all day!  Not for this guy... well, now here I am sitting on my couch BLOGGING! I have a Blackberry, on Twitter, on FB, and now blogging. Man what you have to do be competitive in business these days.. Maybe this bolg could be my journaling to God!  No, I don't think so... that's between God and me :)  Here's the real plan for this Blogging, I hope... Now that I'm leading/coaching athletes to accomplish their goals and coaching high school runners as they figure out life, I plan to write something only when I feel that I have something valuable to share.  Thanks!  Coach Yon  


  1. Can't wait to read your blog! Adding it to my bookmarks so make it good! :) No pressure, of course.

  2. Love the background picture. Truly defines the madness of the dreaded Ironman swim start!
