Isaiah 40:31

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, December 1, 2011

What's Your Reason for TRiing?

What's your Reason for
  • To Get Healthy?
  • To Accomplish the Impossible?
  • To Face a Fear?
  • To Be your Best?
  • To Lose Weight?
  • To Celebrate the gift of health?
  • To become a stronger runner?
  • To release stress?
  • What is your reason????????
    As a coach, the first thing I ask a person is why do you train to compete?  Why do you run a race or compete in a triathlon?  Why do we all choose goals and then never think of the reason why?  First and foremost, I challenge you to find the purpose in your goals that you have set. At this point, there is no question you will find the strength and motivation to accomplish them.  Failure will not be an option!  What is completing a challenge without a purpose?  I think the answer is a completion of time wasted.  Today's Training Tip is for you to first find your purpose and then choose the road to get there. Take one day at a time and then look to those in your life that want to help and most importantly, allow them to. A Champion doesn't get the top by flying solo or without a purpose! He or She relies upon a mission and on the everyday heroes in their life to support and carry them through the ruts in the road.  So remember, Choose your Challenge, Choose your Purpose, Choose your Path, and then Choose to Succeed!  NOW Energy Bar would say, No Opportunity Wasted!
Have a great week and I'll talk to you soon!
Coach Yon

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