Isaiah 40:31

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ironman Hawaii! What to expect and do!

It's IM week on the Big Island!  What an awesome feeling to just be there and being part of the Original Ironman!. You certainly deserved your spot there so take pride in your hard work and accomplishment.  You don't remember the pain and sacrifice it took to get there, it's all faded. But!  Your supporters haven't so INCLUDE them in this experience and let them celebrate with you. Don't go into IM isolation mentally.  Enjoy, Relax, and be thankful for making it here alive and healthy with the help of your friends and family!

Prerace Week
Expect the expected!  Athletes running, riding around all week strutting their stuff :)  Entering Race day "Race Ready" in Kona took careful planning, a day to day wit, and a willingness to stick to "Your Plan."  Now that you're here stick to it!  Nothing changes!  It will be hard to sit still and take your days off but keep in mind Sat. is the only day that matters.  My athletes stick to one midweek easy 45 min Ride on the Queen K, 1 Midweek 30 min. run, and light swims every morning to soak up the IM energy and to get the metabolism ready for a pancake breakfast... a little ham on the side for the Sodium... Lightly salt your food all week.  Eat 2-3 Oranges, grapefruit, or bananas every day to load the Potassium. Stick to the Natural Way to get your nutrients loaded for Sat.  Hot Sun and 140.6 miles will require your levels to be topped off to Survive!  Remember to hydrate from Tues on, but be very cautious of Over Hydrating with water.  Too much H2O will deplete your system of electrolytes that you just attempted to load!! :)  Stick to 1/2 Water, 1/2 Fluid Replacement all week and that will keep you safe... Sleep!!  Coming from the US you have the advantage of adapting to the time change.. Returning, with sore legs, my need another Blog :)   Arise 6ish everyday and try to get morning swims in around 7-8.  You NEED to get to breakfast!  Don't wait in a Restaurant line without a snack.  Friday will get here too soon but in perfect timing for one last day to sit around and be anxious.  Reading a non triathlon book is the perfect remedy for Friday!  Have your race gear, nutrition, morning plan figured out no later than Thursday!  In Racking your bike Friday, check for loose nuts and bolts on your machine, pump tires up to 85-90% and top off in am. Don't worry, heat won't pop them and besides they need to sit there overnight to make sure there's no slow leaks or weak spots.  Stay out of the heat all day Friday, Reading :), eat pasta rich dinner around 6-7 o'clock and don't be afraid to eat an extra bowl or roll.  Better safe than sorry... Your body can store up to 2000 calories and of ready source energy so filler up!  Bedtime 9. Read, relax, and close the book.  A new Chapter will open tomorrow!  In a Big Island Way!

Good Morning! Wake time 4:30-5.  Breakfast 650-800 Calories ( 70% carbs, 15% protein, 15% fat)
Stick with what works for you. Your body does use calories while you're sleeping so topping off  the tank in the morning is a must! 1/2 Water 1/2 Fluid Replacement.  #2 most important thing, put on sunscreen everywhere before the sun comes up.  Yes some will wear off in Swim but not all!  Neck, ears, and lower back if Tri Shirt rides up in Aero position... Now, you're already packed so hit the trail... oh yeah, have your transport figured out, 1/2 mile walk maximum!  Drop Special Needs bag first, that's just extra weight to carry around.  Body Marking in Hawaii is organized!  The Tension and Uncertainty is building!  Solution:  Smile and talk to  people non stop in the waiting line!!!  Be the cheerful one, not the serious one... It's a disguise :)
Drink last of Fluid Replacement 20 minutes before 7:00

Get out in the water 15 minutes before 7:00... entrance gets crowded and it's easier to stand down on Dig me beach. In water swim out to left side at 10 minutes until 7.  Water is buoyant so treading water is not an issue, You Float!  You want to stay away from the buoys on the way out so your siting will be on the horizon where the Island meets the Water.  You'll see what I mean when you get there. You'll swim a straight line from the Swim start to the last buoy. Coming back it will be buoy to buoy and not as bottle necked. Take advantage of the Hawaii buoyancy.  This water is very salty therefore almost like you have a wetsuit on! Take advantage of this and swim long stroke for the whole 2.4... using your lats and core to accomplish the swim. No shoulders needed!  It's going to be along day so 70% perceived effort for the swim.  Exit the water and utilize the showers!  Get that salt off. Comfort is key for 112 in the lava fields...  Smooth patient transition and off on a "Who knows what race conditions the island has today"  Regardless, wind will be there good or bad. Heads  or Tails, anybodies guess.  Take it ALL in stride!  Sometimes windier is better b/c it makes for better "War Stories." :)   Keep effort on bike at 70-75% effort.  You'll be surprised at your fast pace given your training and Awesome Taper Plan!  Be prepared for a long steady climb to Hawi with Cross winds to boot.  Not quite steep enough for climbing out of the saddle but use it to stretch out of the saddle every 10 minutes for 10-15 secs...  You can use this stretching for the Fast Aero descent out of Hawi.  Do Not Get discouraged when you see the leaders flying back by at 45 mph when you're going 13.  You'll keep expecting the turn around soon, but Be patient.  Those guys are WAY ahead :)! Enjoy the ride back and take in the majestic scale of the island and the ocean! Hey! Just for a second :) Don't forget to keep drinking!  Steady and consistent... 3-4 sips every 10 minutes adds up to 32 oz/hr., which is an average sweat rate.  Mile 105 is here,start sitting up in the saddle.  Stand and stretch calves. Down shift 1 gear to get rpms up a notch.  Mile 112 hallelujah!  Enjoy this 3-4 minutes.  Dowse your head with cold water, Make sure to dress properly, let them sunscreen you!  Put those socks on properly.  Drink a cold cup of Fluid replacement and shuffle out of T2... 

The most important  part of the run is the first 6 miles!  DO NOT get carried away with the adrenaline from crowds and cheering. You must run the first 5-6 miles at 60 % effort and be able to get your internal body fluids in place.  Give you body a lower HR to absorb the calories and fluids you've tanked on the bike. My strength is the run and this advice was VERY difficult for me... but by far the most beneficial to learn! And trust me it was some hard lessons.  After 6 miles find your rhythm at 70% effort or HR. Not until you hit the turn around in he Research lab do you start building intensity.  Let's call it 1% -2% gain in intensity every 1 mile upon your return to the Finish!  Hit every aid station the last 6 miles for ice, coke, and water.  Do not skip one and fall over at the finish like Paula 200 yds from the finish....  Keep tabs on your mental state by asking yourself the question, "What is my Coach's name?" If you answer TRi Yon PerformanceSprint!