Isaiah 40:31

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hey Gang!
Hope everybody had a great week and started to seek out how to get their strength training program started! 
Remembering last week, I had us start thinking about how to make it through this off season physically stronger and mentally charged up for your best season ever! 
This week our topic is how to Energizing your Mind! 
One way and maybe the best way I've found to energize your mind is to conquer astronghold! A stronghold is basically an addiction :(   It's something that's tying you down and limiting your potential!  What is it that you struggle to overcome and  maybe not willing to give up because you think that it's not important?   Is it too much coffee or soda,  too much social media, too compulsive about training/exercise?  Be honest with yourself, what is holding you back?  What is it that gets in the way of you being constructive in everything that you want to accomplish? Here's a 4 step process that I've used that might help you  "Kick that Habit!" 
Step One:  Most important!  Find an Accountability Partner!  To do this takes strength in itself because you are admitting your weakness!  This takes guts!  Most athletes will disguise their weaknesses because they are generally perfectionists to the core and don't feel comfortable exposing their glitches! 
Step Two: Once you have your partner, set a plan of action.  Set daily goals for yourself and make it through small time hurdles before planning a whole week of cold turkey!  Once you make it through one day, share your success with your accountability partner and get some much needed words of affirmation.  Then move to day two!  In other words, one day at a time. Stay in the moment and don't get ahead of yourself! 
Step three:  This is not really a step but just a check note instead.  Be careful not to substitute ANOTHER Stronghold in the place of this one! This is the most common occurrence and will only lead to a similar or worse situation! 
Step Four: Once you've made it a week moving day to day, use the time or mental energy gained to engage in an interest not related to athletics. Something that stimulates your brain and builds heart at the same time.  What I mean is be creative, take a talent that you've been gifted with to influence a situation or person in a positive way. Maybe you're great with kids then take a moment to teach what you know. All of us were created by God with certain talents that we should use in a way that would be pleasing to Him. 
Step Five: If you made it to his step then nice work!  However, stay on your toes!  It's tuff to stay tuff!  You can now take your new interest and hold it into and through your race season. You've increased your motivation, opened yourself to new and exciting opportunities, and protected yourself from burn out!
 Everyone have a Merry Christmas & we'll finish up "Fending off the Fever" next week before the New Year!
 Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fending Off the Fever!

As triathletes we are in the middle of our off season. The Holidays are upon us and our minds are already gazing into next year's racing. From my experience, it takes only 3-4 weeks after a season ending "A" Race before you are chomping at the bit to start training again! Your mind feels lazy, your mid section feels soft, and the house projects have gotten old. What should you do? Well, in my opinion there are three ways to "Fend off the Fever!"   Three ways to make it through the cold winter months physically stronger, mentally energized, and healthier in spirit!   
                 # 1 Get Stronger!  Most importantly, if you want to grow stronger as a triathlete you must add resistance training to your routine.  Continual aerobic exercise, 12 months out of the year, without resistance training will eventually stagnate your lean muscle growth. Therefore you limit your potential to get faster and stronger each upcoming year! If you don't have access to a gym, no worries, your body weight can act as your resistance weight in sports specific strength movements.  Consult your local Personal Trainer and stress to him or her that the key areas you want to strengthen are the Core, Glutes, Hip flexors, and lower back.  All these areas are typically weakened throughout the triathlon race season and need 90% of your focus Dec- Feb!  My favorite exercises for Triathletes are Squats, leg press, Planks, Lat Pull Down, Spin Class (high cadence, 110 plus), and Deep water Running.  Each week add 2 weight room sessions and at least 1 Spin Class and 1 30 minute Deep water run.  You'll be glad you did!  Give it a month and you'll feel the difference. 3 months and you'll clean up your competition next year! 
Remember!   Form is the single most important factor in Strength Training!  Make sure to consult the personal trainer at your local gym, and in EVERY Movement yourCore must be contracted and protecting your lower back!  Now get Started and become the best triathlete you can be! And Until next week...... 
Train Smart then Train Hard! 
 Here's a sneak peek at next week!  It's Mental!  :)  
                     #2 Energize your mind!  The best way to energize your mind is to conquer a stronghold! What is it that you struggle to give up or overcome?  Is it too much caffeine, not enough sleep/too much TV.......................See you next Week! 
Coach Yon


Thursday, December 1, 2011

What's Your Reason for TRiing?

What's your Reason for
  • To Get Healthy?
  • To Accomplish the Impossible?
  • To Face a Fear?
  • To Be your Best?
  • To Lose Weight?
  • To Celebrate the gift of health?
  • To become a stronger runner?
  • To release stress?
  • What is your reason????????
    As a coach, the first thing I ask a person is why do you train to compete?  Why do you run a race or compete in a triathlon?  Why do we all choose goals and then never think of the reason why?  First and foremost, I challenge you to find the purpose in your goals that you have set. At this point, there is no question you will find the strength and motivation to accomplish them.  Failure will not be an option!  What is completing a challenge without a purpose?  I think the answer is a completion of time wasted.  Today's Training Tip is for you to first find your purpose and then choose the road to get there. Take one day at a time and then look to those in your life that want to help and most importantly, allow them to. A Champion doesn't get the top by flying solo or without a purpose! He or She relies upon a mission and on the everyday heroes in their life to support and carry them through the ruts in the road.  So remember, Choose your Challenge, Choose your Purpose, Choose your Path, and then Choose to Succeed!  NOW Energy Bar would say, No Opportunity Wasted!
Have a great week and I'll talk to you soon!
Coach Yon

Monday, November 21, 2011

"Love for Sport"

Well as we enter the Holidays, I can feel my athletes starting to stir about next years race schedule. Each year sign ups get further and further away from race day! Before you know it we'll be signing up for races for our future age group! AND they'll sell out! Crazy... "I want to be a triathlete", what a common thing these days. Just as much as "I want to do an IM!" Wow. What ever happened to flying by the seat of your pants?  In the 80's and 90's it was last minute raceday sign up, no race limit caps, and everyone borrowed a bike from the friendly neighbor!  Got my first Panasonic 2000 in 1986, what a beauty. Sunshine cycles in Clemson, SC... Can remember the excitement and joy of riding fast on a skinny wheel bike! Decided to ride toward Anderson (on the Highway of Course) and felt great the whole way, 20 miles! Thought I was a stud. Turned around to head back to Clem and discovered what a tailwind was.. it took me 2 hours to get home :)... Learned to swim at Fike Gym, would swim 20-25 mins straight every time...same hard effort :)  This strange fella always swum beside me and would hang on the wall every couple minutes! Can't he swim I thought?? Hence, a year later, I learned what an interval training was :)... That summer I decided to follow my older brother's lead and enter a TRIATHLON... had to drive 6 hours to get there, Chattanooga Tenn.,  what a blast! Wish I had a picture of my outfit. Brother's friend forgot his bike helmet so he wore a motorcycle helmet for the 40K!  Wish I had a picture of that one too :).  Back then Flotation devices were allowed!...I do have a picture of my brother coming out of the water beside a guy wearing an Orange Neck Life jacket! Remember those? This picture was a keeper! We accomplished two triathlons the summer of 86'.  Ate our share of Jackson Brother's Potato salad that summer!  Needless to say we had gotten the tri bug. It was back to school for me, but brother road to the beach that next spring with friends while I was away.. soooo... I wanted to do what brother did!  We decided to ride to North Myrtle on Nov. 12th, same day as a tropical storm was stirring strong westerly winds. I had forgotten my previous wind lesson obviously, and it was just the 2 of us, not 14 like the spring ride. Result: figured out that drafting is not a Nascar term only... Another hard lesson..  We made it past Darlington race track, only to stop at Burger King for reevaluation and fuel...what did I eat?  All the potato salad off that salad bar...(BTW, I had read the book, Eat To Win by Dr. Hauss if you're wondering about the Pot.Salad).... I felt a little off after that needless to say. Somehow we returned... to the highway, of course. Potatoes kick in through McBee, but Mike wasn't speaking. I Got in a carb zone over the straight hills of the sandhills and rode for a good hour with my head down... ASSUMING by brother was with me?? Nope. Stopped  and looked over the miles of straight hills and waited with no sign of him. Worried, I reluctantly headed BACKWARDS (away from our destination) and found him 5 miles back... Laying up on an old peach stand eyes closed about to fall asleep. Oh yeah, cell phones weren't around in the late 80's BTW.  Can't remember my motivational speech but somehow we got him up... Vaguely remember something about trail mix.. Anyway. somehow we made it through Florence via Quinby and came out on 503? Whatever that major Highway is with no shoulder ... We made the smartest decision of the day and thumbed our way in to the back of a pickup for the next 20 miles. Unfortunately we got dropped in Mullins with about 30 miles to go!  To conclude we made it at sunset, surprised our folks who were down there and at least impressed someone with our bright idea of 180-20=160 ride for the day... To finish it off we had no clothes for the weekend so my mom let me borrow her aqua shirt  & shorts outfit to get me thru the weekend's festivities!
       So to sum all this up, this blog certainly came out of nowhere as I'm sitting here at 1:00am laying out carefully planned training schedules for my TRi-Yon Team!  I am grateful that I learned through experimenting on myself so that others (those who have power meters, garmins, and aero helmets :)) can efficiently...  "Become that triathlete and/or Ironman!" .

But Remember! IT CAN BE the seat of your pants and with sheer love for your brother!

My kids always ask for a true story from Daddy at the breakfast table!  I think I now have tomorrow's story! Can't wait...  All The Best!  Coach

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ironman Hawaii! What to expect and do!

It's IM week on the Big Island!  What an awesome feeling to just be there and being part of the Original Ironman!. You certainly deserved your spot there so take pride in your hard work and accomplishment.  You don't remember the pain and sacrifice it took to get there, it's all faded. But!  Your supporters haven't so INCLUDE them in this experience and let them celebrate with you. Don't go into IM isolation mentally.  Enjoy, Relax, and be thankful for making it here alive and healthy with the help of your friends and family!

Prerace Week
Expect the expected!  Athletes running, riding around all week strutting their stuff :)  Entering Race day "Race Ready" in Kona took careful planning, a day to day wit, and a willingness to stick to "Your Plan."  Now that you're here stick to it!  Nothing changes!  It will be hard to sit still and take your days off but keep in mind Sat. is the only day that matters.  My athletes stick to one midweek easy 45 min Ride on the Queen K, 1 Midweek 30 min. run, and light swims every morning to soak up the IM energy and to get the metabolism ready for a pancake breakfast... a little ham on the side for the Sodium... Lightly salt your food all week.  Eat 2-3 Oranges, grapefruit, or bananas every day to load the Potassium. Stick to the Natural Way to get your nutrients loaded for Sat.  Hot Sun and 140.6 miles will require your levels to be topped off to Survive!  Remember to hydrate from Tues on, but be very cautious of Over Hydrating with water.  Too much H2O will deplete your system of electrolytes that you just attempted to load!! :)  Stick to 1/2 Water, 1/2 Fluid Replacement all week and that will keep you safe... Sleep!!  Coming from the US you have the advantage of adapting to the time change.. Returning, with sore legs, my need another Blog :)   Arise 6ish everyday and try to get morning swims in around 7-8.  You NEED to get to breakfast!  Don't wait in a Restaurant line without a snack.  Friday will get here too soon but in perfect timing for one last day to sit around and be anxious.  Reading a non triathlon book is the perfect remedy for Friday!  Have your race gear, nutrition, morning plan figured out no later than Thursday!  In Racking your bike Friday, check for loose nuts and bolts on your machine, pump tires up to 85-90% and top off in am. Don't worry, heat won't pop them and besides they need to sit there overnight to make sure there's no slow leaks or weak spots.  Stay out of the heat all day Friday, Reading :), eat pasta rich dinner around 6-7 o'clock and don't be afraid to eat an extra bowl or roll.  Better safe than sorry... Your body can store up to 2000 calories and of ready source energy so filler up!  Bedtime 9. Read, relax, and close the book.  A new Chapter will open tomorrow!  In a Big Island Way!

Good Morning! Wake time 4:30-5.  Breakfast 650-800 Calories ( 70% carbs, 15% protein, 15% fat)
Stick with what works for you. Your body does use calories while you're sleeping so topping off  the tank in the morning is a must! 1/2 Water 1/2 Fluid Replacement.  #2 most important thing, put on sunscreen everywhere before the sun comes up.  Yes some will wear off in Swim but not all!  Neck, ears, and lower back if Tri Shirt rides up in Aero position... Now, you're already packed so hit the trail... oh yeah, have your transport figured out, 1/2 mile walk maximum!  Drop Special Needs bag first, that's just extra weight to carry around.  Body Marking in Hawaii is organized!  The Tension and Uncertainty is building!  Solution:  Smile and talk to  people non stop in the waiting line!!!  Be the cheerful one, not the serious one... It's a disguise :)
Drink last of Fluid Replacement 20 minutes before 7:00

Get out in the water 15 minutes before 7:00... entrance gets crowded and it's easier to stand down on Dig me beach. In water swim out to left side at 10 minutes until 7.  Water is buoyant so treading water is not an issue, You Float!  You want to stay away from the buoys on the way out so your siting will be on the horizon where the Island meets the Water.  You'll see what I mean when you get there. You'll swim a straight line from the Swim start to the last buoy. Coming back it will be buoy to buoy and not as bottle necked. Take advantage of the Hawaii buoyancy.  This water is very salty therefore almost like you have a wetsuit on! Take advantage of this and swim long stroke for the whole 2.4... using your lats and core to accomplish the swim. No shoulders needed!  It's going to be along day so 70% perceived effort for the swim.  Exit the water and utilize the showers!  Get that salt off. Comfort is key for 112 in the lava fields...  Smooth patient transition and off on a "Who knows what race conditions the island has today"  Regardless, wind will be there good or bad. Heads  or Tails, anybodies guess.  Take it ALL in stride!  Sometimes windier is better b/c it makes for better "War Stories." :)   Keep effort on bike at 70-75% effort.  You'll be surprised at your fast pace given your training and Awesome Taper Plan!  Be prepared for a long steady climb to Hawi with Cross winds to boot.  Not quite steep enough for climbing out of the saddle but use it to stretch out of the saddle every 10 minutes for 10-15 secs...  You can use this stretching for the Fast Aero descent out of Hawi.  Do Not Get discouraged when you see the leaders flying back by at 45 mph when you're going 13.  You'll keep expecting the turn around soon, but Be patient.  Those guys are WAY ahead :)! Enjoy the ride back and take in the majestic scale of the island and the ocean! Hey! Just for a second :) Don't forget to keep drinking!  Steady and consistent... 3-4 sips every 10 minutes adds up to 32 oz/hr., which is an average sweat rate.  Mile 105 is here,start sitting up in the saddle.  Stand and stretch calves. Down shift 1 gear to get rpms up a notch.  Mile 112 hallelujah!  Enjoy this 3-4 minutes.  Dowse your head with cold water, Make sure to dress properly, let them sunscreen you!  Put those socks on properly.  Drink a cold cup of Fluid replacement and shuffle out of T2... 

The most important  part of the run is the first 6 miles!  DO NOT get carried away with the adrenaline from crowds and cheering. You must run the first 5-6 miles at 60 % effort and be able to get your internal body fluids in place.  Give you body a lower HR to absorb the calories and fluids you've tanked on the bike. My strength is the run and this advice was VERY difficult for me... but by far the most beneficial to learn! And trust me it was some hard lessons.  After 6 miles find your rhythm at 70% effort or HR. Not until you hit the turn around in he Research lab do you start building intensity.  Let's call it 1% -2% gain in intensity every 1 mile upon your return to the Finish!  Hit every aid station the last 6 miles for ice, coke, and water.  Do not skip one and fall over at the finish like Paula 200 yds from the finish....  Keep tabs on your mental state by asking yourself the question, "What is my Coach's name?" If you answer TRi Yon PerformanceSprint!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Congrats on making it to the "The Big Island"!

      Congratulations to several of our local Charlotteans for making it to The Hawaii World Championships this year!  What a great privilege and reward for hard work! When you make it to the Big Dance something comes alive in you. The excitement, the nervousness, the planning, the tapering... where do you begin and where does it stop?? Entering Kona perfectly prepared requires careful planning, a calm day to day wit, and a willingness to stick to "YOUR" plan. Truth of the matter is, there are 100 ways to peak for Hawaii, just ask 100 different people :)!  Pre Race week is filled with athletes flexing their shaved legs, comparing training logs, and filling your ear with how many long rides they put in.... ho hum...  Attention Athletes! Best approach is a humble attitude about what will happen for you on race day. That means throwing time predictions out the window.  Trust me, The Big Island has a way of deciding what's best for you!  Whether that means a 30 mph headwind or welcomed cloud cover during the marathon, take it All in stride! Every Racer will experience the same, but You will handle it better by not having expectations. (in a finish time) . Keep that quiet confidence in how you prepared yourself and take that and only that to the start line! 
       All this being said, preparation/training is your best chance to success in finishing Hawaii in front of your competitior!  how then??  Well, that depends on who you are. Are you a Weekend Warrior, 20 yrs old, 60 yrs old, Single, Married, Unemployed,  a Workaholic???  If your answer is yes, then the answer is "Use your time wisely!"  That means, long rides, long runs, strength work (my favorite), rest, and nutrition... maybe a little swimming too would be good!  The Mileage for each person will differ but max it out 4 weeks from Race day! This particular week should become your peak week, 100 % of what you were able to put in, with 28 days to go.... 3 weeks out 75 % of mileage, 2 weeks 50% of mileage, and Race week.. close to 25%.  However keep in mind, these last 4 weeks don't get any easier in my book!  Depends on what's easy to you, because Intensity (not easy to me) does climb as you put the icing on the cake. You'll move yourself to the front of the pack!  These last 4 weeks used properly either "Breaks your Race" or "Makes your Race".... and that finish time you're not thinking about :)   Be Wise!  Don't push the mileage envelop too close to Oct 8th!  Strength and Speed in the final weeks will make giant steps in the economy of your swim stroke, pedal stroke, and stride!  All the best!  Later, I'll try to share my thoughts on Race Day and some things to keep in mind... hopefully it will help for what it's worth....   Jamey

Monday, August 15, 2011

Be a Weight Lifter??

Sports Specific training, Cross training, resistance training, nutrition, mental preparation, massage, stretching.... where does the list end with trying to improve performance??  #1 rule is Sports Specific Training. Want to be a great Runner... then run farther and faster each week... Never add more than 10% to weekly mileage and keep speed work to a maximun of 15% of weekly mileage... If you've been injury free for more than 6 months, then you can push that to 30% of weekly mileage... holding it there for no more than 1 month and typically before your Summer "A" race!  Swimming and Cycling, same concept!  Riding 100 miles per week? Then 15 will be speed/hard/anaerobic work. Again, no need to push beyond 15% as Aerobic work(other 85%) will build the size of the engine! (You'll be a V8 instead of a 4 cylinder).  Next Step!  Resistance Training for Power(Speed) and Endurance(sustainable Speed).  Lives are busy... work/family/kids.... Get the most bang for your buck(TIME) in the weight room!  SQUATS!  Athletes can live by Squats alone :)  Feet Wide, Toes flared out, Go all the way to catchers position!  All the weight and power is generated through the heels... Get off the toes!  Core/ Hip flexors/Glutes... there's your hidden speed.. Triathletes! Take that aggressive TRi Bike and Lower that seat an 1/8 inch and raise the nose the same... you'll slide back a hair and find your power. Squats will develop your inner thighs, hamstrings and Glutes and you'll feel your knees get closer to the Top Tube and your inner Thighs will Turn over a 53/14ish at 90 RPM's, with a comfortable HR... Big factor when racing 1/2 IM's or IM!  Second most beneficial exercise... LEG PRESS... Again and most important... push through the heels!  Give these two weight training exercises a go, twice a week for 1 month!  See what happens. Beware... First go round do 1/2 the # of reps you think you can do!  Reason, you'll be very sore and won't be able to get your second lift in later in the week.  Go a little heavier by the fourth session when your muscles and tendons have had two weeks to adapt!  Adaptation , that's what training is... stressing the muscles beyond their comfort zone then resting and recoverying before stressing them to a new level!  Slow progression :)  Next Blog, How do you recover??  Hmmm. good question!  Happy training!

Monday, August 1, 2011

1st Time Blogger!

First it was cell phones.. "I'll never get one of those"  then it was emailing... I was in the hot sun paving parking lots all day and my friends we're emailing back and forth from their desk all day.. I said "Email Smeemail"  What's wrong with a phone!  Then the lastest for me was "Are you on Facebook?"  Facebook, crazy people talking about themselves all day!  Not for this guy... well, now here I am sitting on my couch BLOGGING! I have a Blackberry, on Twitter, on FB, and now blogging. Man what you have to do be competitive in business these days.. Maybe this bolg could be my journaling to God!  No, I don't think so... that's between God and me :)  Here's the real plan for this Blogging, I hope... Now that I'm leading/coaching athletes to accomplish their goals and coaching high school runners as they figure out life, I plan to write something only when I feel that I have something valuable to share.  Thanks!  Coach Yon