Isaiah 40:31

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fending Off the Fever!

As triathletes we are in the middle of our off season. The Holidays are upon us and our minds are already gazing into next year's racing. From my experience, it takes only 3-4 weeks after a season ending "A" Race before you are chomping at the bit to start training again! Your mind feels lazy, your mid section feels soft, and the house projects have gotten old. What should you do? Well, in my opinion there are three ways to "Fend off the Fever!"   Three ways to make it through the cold winter months physically stronger, mentally energized, and healthier in spirit!   
                 # 1 Get Stronger!  Most importantly, if you want to grow stronger as a triathlete you must add resistance training to your routine.  Continual aerobic exercise, 12 months out of the year, without resistance training will eventually stagnate your lean muscle growth. Therefore you limit your potential to get faster and stronger each upcoming year! If you don't have access to a gym, no worries, your body weight can act as your resistance weight in sports specific strength movements.  Consult your local Personal Trainer and stress to him or her that the key areas you want to strengthen are the Core, Glutes, Hip flexors, and lower back.  All these areas are typically weakened throughout the triathlon race season and need 90% of your focus Dec- Feb!  My favorite exercises for Triathletes are Squats, leg press, Planks, Lat Pull Down, Spin Class (high cadence, 110 plus), and Deep water Running.  Each week add 2 weight room sessions and at least 1 Spin Class and 1 30 minute Deep water run.  You'll be glad you did!  Give it a month and you'll feel the difference. 3 months and you'll clean up your competition next year! 
Remember!   Form is the single most important factor in Strength Training!  Make sure to consult the personal trainer at your local gym, and in EVERY Movement yourCore must be contracted and protecting your lower back!  Now get Started and become the best triathlete you can be! And Until next week...... 
Train Smart then Train Hard! 
 Here's a sneak peek at next week!  It's Mental!  :)  
                     #2 Energize your mind!  The best way to energize your mind is to conquer a stronghold! What is it that you struggle to give up or overcome?  Is it too much caffeine, not enough sleep/too much TV.......................See you next Week! 
Coach Yon


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